- 作品名称:和马来西亚著名作家陈雪风在马六甲^_^With renowned Malaysian writer Chen Xuefeng in Malacca
- 作品名称:应邀拜会中国驻柬埔寨大使谢月娥^_^Have an audience with Chinese Ambassador in Cambodian Xie Yue’s on invitation
- 作品名称:在华裔水彩画家程及的上海寓所^_^At water colorist Cheng Ji’s home in Shanghai,who is a Chinese descent
- 作品名称:著名的吴哥“四面神王像”^_^The renowned Wu Ge“Four-side deity statue”
- 作品名称:考察俄罗斯巨型雕塑《祖国母亲》^_^Inspect the Russian giant sculpture“Motherland”
- 作品名称:帕花黛维公主代表柬埔寨王室收藏冯一鸣的国画《雄狮图》。柬语诺 罗敦.西哈努克就是雄狮的意思^_^Cambodian Princess collecs the traditional Chinese painting "Heroic Lion“by Feng Yiming on behalf of the Cambodian royal court."Nuoluodun.Sihanouk”in Cambodian language means Heroic Lion
- 作品名称:俄罗斯冬宫是一座雄伟的艺术宫殿^_^The Russian Winter Palace is a grand artistic palace
- 作品名称:和列宾美术学院师生在一起 ^_^With teachers and students of Repin Fine Arts Academy